Friday 11 June 2010

0800handyman - The professional handyman service putting up street decorations in Tony Blairs street in London W2


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    Australian ETA Visa also known as Electronic Travel Authority is a type of visa that gives permission to a few specific foreign country nationals to enter and exit Australia for a certain period of time. This visa is electronically linked to someone’s passport so it doesn’t need to be stamped or put a label on it. Since it’s been electronically linked to one’s passport the data on the ETA can be accessed by travel agents, airlines and also Australian border agencies. So it is imperative that you bring the same passport you used to apply for ETA visa while you’re traveling to Australia.

    The Scope of Australian Electronic Travel Authority

    Of all the kinds of visas that are available to Malaysian Nationals for visiting Australia, ETA visa is the most convenient one because of its scope over other visas. ETA visa is perfect for business person and tourist who needs to stay in Australia for a short period of time and also visit Australia frequently.

    The validity of ETA visa is 12 months from the day it is issued. You can visit as many times you want with ETA visa as long as it is during the valid time period.
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    ETA visa is created for business and tourism purposes. Business activities such as participation in trade fairs, conferences or making general business and employment enquiries and also signing, investing, negotiating, reviewing business deal are allowed with ETA visa. Tourist activities such as recreational activities, visiting famous Australian places and visiting relatives and friends are also allowed.
    ETA visa also let anyone study in Australia as long as the study course doesn’t exceed three months period.

    It is important to remember that Australian government doesn’t let ETA visa holder to work in Australia. If you get caught working in Australia with an ETA visa you will be penalizing and even face jail time.
    Requirements for Australian ETA visa

    Malaysian nationals must fulfill a few requirements before they can apply for Australian ETA visa.

    The applicant must be outside Australia to apply for an ETA visa.
    Applicant must hold a valid passport issued by Malaysian Government, email address and a valid credit card. Non-citizen passport and travel documents will not be accepted for a replacement of a passport.
    It is imperative that the information applicant provides during his/her ETA application to be precisely the same as his/her passport information. Applicant must use the same passport during his application for ETA visa while traveling in Australia.
    Each person need a separate ETA visa regardless of sex, gender or age.
    The applicant must be free from tuberculosis.
    Applicant have to make sure that he/she doesn’t have any criminal convictions where he/she has been sentenced to 12 months of jail, irrespective of whether or not he/she served that time.

    It is the duty of ETA visa holder to know what ETA visa lets you do in Australia. If you violate any of the laws, you will be penalized according to the law of Australia.

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